Expand your business across the GCC with Red Berry.
There are several ways for to set up a business in Saudi Arabia with several business forms that are: Limited Liability Company (LLC), Partnership, Joint Stock Corporation, Branch Offices, Sponsorship and Temporary Commercial Registration and Commercial Agencies.
Investors In Qatar can set up the following business form that are: Branch Office, Commercial Agency, Representative Trade Office, Limited Liability Company (LLC).
In Bahrain investors can setup the following companies in these forms that are: Joint-Stock Company (Sharika Muashima), Limited Liability Company (LLC) [Thaat Masouilya Mahdooda], General Partnership (Musharqa Aama), Limited Partnership (Musharaqa Mahdooda), Partnership Limited By Shares (At Tawseaa Bil As Hum), Single Person Company (Sharikat Al Shaks Al Wahid), Branch Company
In Oman investors can set up the following companies that are: A Limited Liability Companies (LLC), Joint Stock Companies, and Branch Companies
RED BERRY provides the above-mentioned services in association with companies in the respective countries. We provide any of the corporate services required for you in these GCC countries.
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